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Tag Archive: divorce

  1. Co-Parenting: Emergency Preparedness Plan

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    April 15th is the Great Utah Shakeout. An annual event to help Utahn’s consider and prepare their emergency preparedness plans. When it comes to co-parenting, having an emergency preparedness plan will ensure you and your former spouse know what to do. (more…)

  2. Don’t Rely on Social Media Privacy Settings


    When it comes to sharing pictures, thoughts, and frustrations to your social network. Don’t rely on your social media privacy settings to keep your posts out of sight to untrusted eyes.

    Assume everything you post is being viewed by either your ex or their attorney, because it likely is. (more…)

  3. Communicating with co-parenting apps

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    From school obligations to extra curricular activities, and keeping up with orthodontist appointments. There is a lot to juggle when it comes to managing children’s schedules. Communicating with co-parenting apps can provide a reliable system, and help alleviate miscommunication between two-households. Not to mention, a missed pick-up.

    If you and your ex struggle to communicate respectfully then these apps can help on multiple levels. (more…)

  4. How to split stimulus funds for dependents

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    Are you unsure how to split stimulus funds for dependents?

    The news of a $1,400 stimulus for adults and children is providing some relief for many families across the nation. However, in the case of divorce, confusion over how co-parents should split  stimulus funds for dependents is becoming a common point of contention.


  5. How to Support a Friend During Their Divorce

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    Have you found yourself on endless Google searches for tips on how to support a friend during their divorce? We understand. Watching a friend, or loved one, struggle is never easy.

    Which is why we have compiled a few tried and true support methods, our clients have told us they appreciated. (more…)

  6. Co-Parenting Goal: Consistency is Key

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    Hitting co-parenting goals won’t happen overnight. It is something that takes patience and energy, but well worth the time spent in terms of setting your kids up for success. Today’s co-parenting goal is to help you better understand why consistency is key, when it comes to helping your children cope.

    Divorce has a tendency to uproot the foundation kids have come to know. When it comes to co-parenting having a sense of consistency with rules and rewards between households provides a constant. (more…)

  7. Does alimony increase if my spouse had an affair?

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    While every case is different, the short answer to your question is: Yes. You may be eligible for more alimony if your spouse had an affair.

    In 2019, the Supreme Court of Utah agreed with Read & Read when we argued before them in the case of Gardner vs. Gardner, on the issue of fault and alimony. The Supreme Court of Utah, also, agreed with our attorneys that adultery and other considerations should impact the amount of spousal support paid each month. (more…)

  8. Retirement Benefits and the Division of Property

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    Retirement benefits acquired during marriage are considered marital property. This includes pension plans.

    Marital property includes property and assets acquired during marriage. As long as it was not a personal inheritance or property individually acquired prior to the marriage.  (more…)

  9. When Can I Request a Spousal Support Modification?

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    If you have experienced a recent change in income, you might be wondering. When can I request a spousal support modification?

    Whether it is for the good or the not so good, change is inevitable. As the old saying goes, ‘the only real constant in the world is change,’ and after a divorce, it is not uncommon for life changes to occur that can have an effect on income or assets.  (more…)