Child Custody Attorneys in Salt Lake City
Helping your children manage their emotions during a divorce is stressful enough without trying to figure out what custody looks like in the eyes of the court.
We know this is a stressful time, and want to be here to help you. In Utah, there are two classifications of custody; legal and physical. Then there are two subclassifications under those; sole and joint.
Legal references a parent’s rights regarding their children’s education, and other significant decisions about their life. Whereas physical is to establish the person who will care for the minor children.
When the courts determine who to place children with they review a number of factors, and all take into consider the scenario that is in the children’s best interest.
Whether you and your former spouse are in agreement or a battle over the custody arrangement, the lawyer you chose to represent you is essential to the outcome of your case.
Don’t navigate your divorce alone, let us help ensure your children have what they need to thrive in your families next chapter. Schedule your free 30 minute consultation today!
Need some tips on helping your children through the divorce, we recommend this great Help Guide!
Why Work With The Attorneys of Read Law?
At Read Law, We understand how delicate and important child custody matters are for our clients. That is why we work so hard to secure fair child custody orders for clients in Park City and Salt Lake City, Utah. We treat every case with the care and sensitivity that it deserves, knowing that child custody matters are crucial and will significantly affect our clients’ lives. Our attorneys take pride in finding effective child custody solutions for unique family situations.
Negotiating a Child Custody Plan
The best way to work out child custody arrangements is for the co-parents to work together to design a plan that benefits everyone involved. This type of cooperative approach is beneficial for the well-being of the parents and the children. In many cases, negotiating with your soon-to-be ex-spouse will also save you significant time and money. If you can agree on a child custody plan, you will need to submit your plan to a family court. The court will help set guidelines for shared child custody and include methods for resolving disputes that arise.
If you can agree with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, we still recommend asking an experienced family law attorney to review your proposed solution. The family court lawyers at Read Law can help you negotiate a beneficial parenting plan and advise you of any potential legal or financial red flags.
Suppose you are having difficulty agreeing with your co-parent on child custody matters, but you would still like to keep the matter outside of the court for now. One of our experienced attorneys can help you negotiate with your co-parent and suggest possible solutions to move the negotiation process forward.
How Do Courts Decide Child Custody Matters in Utah?
When parents cannot agree regarding child custody, a Utah family court judge will need to step in. The court will make a custody determination for you that you will be required to abide by going forward. The custody determination process is not straightforward. Instead, family court judges look at a multitude of factors related to the child’s best interest. They consider the following factors when deciding what type of custody arrangement would benefit the child the most:
- The willingness of each parent to encourage and allow a continuing relationship with the other parent
- The conduct and morals of each parent
- The geographic location of each parent
- The child’s psychological, emotional, and physical needs and each parent’s ability to meet those needs
- Any history of physical and emotional abuse
- The child’s preference as to where he or she would like to live if the child is mature enough to understand the situation
- The ability of each parent to cooperate in making decisions for the child
- The nature of the existing relationship between each parent and the child
- Any other factors the court deems relevant to determining the best interest of the child
Modifying a Child Custody Order in Salt Lake City
Circumstances change as children grow older. One or both of the child’s co-parents could move, get re-married, change careers, or experience a medical crisis. Under Utah child custody laws, either parent has a right to file a child custody modification request. The parent requesting the change needs to show that they have experienced a material change in circumstances or that it has been three years since the court entered the original child custody order.
In both of these scenarios, the parent petitioning the court needs to show that modifying the child custody agreement would serve the child’s best interest. The court will use the factors mentioned above to determine whether to modify the child custody agreement.
Contact an Experienced Salt Lake Child Custody Lawyer Today
Are you facing a child custody case in the greater Salt Lake City area? If so, you need an attorney on your side who will protect your rights and effectively present legal arguments for your preferred child custody arrangement. The experienced family law attorneys at Read Law have a proven track record of success in child custody matters. We will work hard to protect the relationship you enjoy with your child in the most effective way possible. Contact our Utah family law firm today to schedule your 30-minute consultation.