December 15, 2020When Can I Request a Spousal Support Modification?
If you have experienced a recent change in income, you might be wondering. When can I request a spousal support modification?
Whether it is for the good or the not so good, change is inevitable. As the old saying goes, ‘the only real constant in the world is change,’ and after a divorce, it is not uncommon for life changes to occur that can have an effect on income or assets.
If you find yourself in a situation of substantial income or asset change, such as; the loss of a job, an unplanned early retirement, or health condition that has changed your ability to earn. It might be time to seek professional advice on modifying the original terms of your divorce.
Modifying spousal support, also commonly referred to as alimony, can be done by either party in the event of unforeseeable changes to income or assets.
This includes seeking a modification, if your ex is suddenly living it up like a Rockefeller. When your alimony payments leave you counting pennies.
It is important to note, however, in order to qualify for spousal support modification there needs to be a change. If you did not have good representation and signed a bad alimony deal, you cannot apply for a divorce modification. This is why it is so important to seek counsel with extensive expertise in family law.
Schedule your free 30 minute consultation now, to determine if you are eligible to modify the terms of your alimony: Consultation Form