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February 16, 2021

When should I start estate planning?

Although estate planning is often portrayed as something to do as you near retirement. The truth is, it is never too soon to have an estate plan in place.

While planning for the unthinkable is not how many of us prefer to spend our time. It is essential, especially if you have young children.

Naturally, no one wants to envision their world without them in it. However, estate planning is the surest way to obtain peace-of-mind in knowing your loved ones will be taken care of.

As the article 4 Reasons Estate Planning is so Important by Investopedia points out. An estate plan is essential to ensure your children are cared for in a way that you approve.

In the event you are gone or unable, assigning guardians in your plan will mean the courts will not have to step in and decide who will raise your children.

This means not only can an estate plan protect your beneficiaries in terms of finances. It can also protect them in terms of who is charged with their daily care.

Since our clients’ estate planning needs are unique, we work directly with you to custom-design a tailor-made estate plan that best fits your needs. Schedule your free 30 minute consultation today!


Although estate planning is often portrayed as something to do as you near retirement. The truth is, it is never


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