October 14, 2020What is physical vs. legal custody?
If you are asking yourself, “What is physical vs. legal custody?” You’re not alone. In our experience, it is rare to have a client already well versed with the Utah courts definition custody.
So what is physical vs. legal custody as defined by Utah Courts? As for legal custody, this is defined as the custodial responsibility to take care of the child and make decisions on behalf of the child. This often includes medical decisions, educational decisions, religious decisions, and various other life decisions.
Whereas, physical custody is the custodial right to overnight parent-time with a child. A parent may have sole custody, with the other parent not having any overnight parent-time with the child. Or they may share physical custody, with each parent having a set amount of overnight parent-time with their child.
When the courts determine who to place children with they review a number of factors, and all take into consideration the scenario that is in the child’s best interest.
Whether you and your spouse are in agreement or a battle over the custody arrangement, the lawyer you chose to represent you is essential to the outcome of your case.
If you need help with any child custody issue, our experienced family law attorneys are here to help. Schedule your free 30 minute consultation today!