October 16, 2020Are you a stay-at-home parent facing divorce?
Worrying about finances when you’re a stay-at-home parent facing divorce is emotionally draining. But you have more options than you realize.
Just because you haven’t contributed financially to the marriage, does not mean you have not contributed in the eyes of the court. Being a stay-at-home parent facing divorce doesn’t have to be scary.
In the state of Utah there is not a set formula to determine how much spousal support, also commonly referred to as alimony, to award. Instead, Utah courts must consider a number of factors when awarding funds. These factors often include things like; financial conditions and need of the recipient, and the recipient’s ability to earn income.
While you can get an idea of what your potential support could look like by visiting the Utah Alimony Calculator. It is important to remember this tool will not account for every factor in your case, and those details matter when it comes to maximizing your support. For this reason seeking legal counsel that specializes in family law is recommended.
Not contributing to the household financially while you were a stay-at-home parent, does not mean you will be on your own.
Don’t navigate your divorce alone, let us help ensure you have what you need to thrive in your next chapter. Schedule your free 30 minute consultation today!