August 22, 2020How much child support will I get?
We have advised thousands of parents on the issue of child support, and the most common concern we hear is, “How much child support will I get?”
This question is not surprising, considering we all want what is best for our children. Unfortunately, there is no quick answer to this question. As Utah dependent support is determined by a series of calculations.
First the courts will determine the gross income of each party. Then they will look at the number of children, and the custodial arrangement. These variable provide the basis of support, but other factors are also considered. Other factors can include consideration such as; if there are any children with special needs or is this a high income/asset case.
Helping your children process divorce is already stressful enough. Worrying you won’t have the financial support to take care of their needs, further depletes your own well being. This is why we recommend seeking legal counsel experienced in family law.
At Read & Read, our legal team has spent years guiding clients’ with skill, as well as sensitivity.
Don’t navigate your divorce alone, let us help ensure you have what you need to thrive in your next chapter. Schedule your free 30 minute consultation today!